- dramas of Nora' s style “娜拉型”话剧
- The drama of international politics interested her. 国际政治的戏剧性使她深感兴趣。
- The return of the 80's style is here. 80年代风潮再度盛行。
- The drama of the prisoner's escape and recapture. 囚犯逃跑和被重新抓获的戏剧性事件
- She made a small drama of falling in an armchair. 她演戏似的跌进一张扶手椅里。
- How romance and drama of this crime! 这个案件既有风流韵事,又多么富于戏剧性啊!
- You couldn't help being thrilled by the drama of the situation. 你不禁为这充满激情的场面激动不已。
- This year' s style in dresses is different from last year' s. 今年服装样式与去年的不同。
- Harp music heightens the drama of the bride's entrance. 竖琴音乐增加了新娘登场的戏剧性。
- I was ready to participate in the stirring drama of birth. 我已经为参加动人心弦的戏剧般的分娩做好了准备。
- On this occasion, in consequence of Nora being unwell, Owen and Frankie went by themselves. 这一次因为诺拉不舒服,欧文只好带着小弗兰克去了。
- He nags about everything, from his boss, the bad traffic, the restaurant service, to our apartment\'s style. 从他的老板,交通阻塞一直到餐馆的服务,甚至我们公寓的风格,每件事他都要抱怨一番。
- The results showed that both sodium salicylate and reserpine made the expression level of NorA protein higher in E. 结果表明,水杨酸钠和利血平的作用均增强了pETt8a卜)贝orA表达大肠杆菌 BLZ中的 N。
- The drama of this image is emphasised by the low key lighting. 这张图片的戏剧感透过暗色调光照得到加强。
- I love Burberry’s style with classic, clean lines…it’s very no-muss, no-fuss kind of clothing. 我喜欢与经典,线条简洁,巴宝莉的风格...这是非常不弄脏,不大惊小怪种服装。
- The last part analyses and rethinks the limitations of Nora image scientifically. 余论部分针对五四娜拉们思想上的局限而对“娜拉”意象进行了科学的分析和反思。
- But it is the drama of the moonrise that I come to see. 然而,真正令我神往的,却是那美异如戏的月出。
- You have to be more than just a handsome face," said the magazine"s style editor Adam Rapoport. 有一张帅气的脸蛋是远远不够的。”
- Sodium salicylate made amount of norA mRNA a little higher in one strain,but reserpine made amount of norA mRNA a little lower in one strain. 这说明,在人工诱导导致金葡球菌耐药水平提高的机制中,NOrA蛋白表达水平提高是其主要机制之一。
- As far as the "message" was concerned, I just tried to mimic JKR's style as much as possible. 至于那条“消息”,我只是尽量试着模仿JKR的风格。